Some people who undergo LASIK surgery have experienced some kind of complication . However, if you have an experienced surgeon by your side, the rate of surgical complications is far reduced. Common sense aside, one should base their decisions on the actual facts reported by their treatment provider. Overall, the number of complications are generally reported to be less than 1%. Most of the reported problems are handled through laser re-treatments or enhancements.
In order to understand the kind of complications people have your should understand what a LASIK treatment is all about. During LASIK surgery a laser beam is used to cut a very thin, hinged flap into the front of the eye. The flap is then lifted and the laser is applied to re-shape the eye, and then the flap is replaced to heal.
Some of the more common types of LASIK complications are improperly formed LASIK flaps: Sometimes after the first surgery a patient might experience an improperly formed flap. This might create an irregular surface and cause various vision defects. In such cases, LASIK surgery needs to be repeated one or more times to make the eye surface smooth.
Inflammation: Sometimes there might be inflammation that can develop in areas where the flap comes in contact with the eye. Such a condition, is called diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK). It may create symptoms such as sensitivity towards light and loss of Vision .
Epithelial In growth: If there is any kind of initial swelling in the eye it might create a common LASIK complication called Epithelial in growth, This condition can be best described as a type of scarring which leads to an irregular eye surface and other vision distortions. In such a condition the surgeon lifts the flap and scrapes out the epithelial growth from inside. This is certainly not a full proof method. It has been noticed that in many cases the epithelial in growth reoccurs.
Some other common types of LASIK complications include dry eye, infections and night vision problems such as glaring around the lights.
Many trained surgeons feel that by using better technology and more precise instruments the chances of having a major LASIK complication can be avoided. People who have had a history of eye complications or infections are not advised to go for these surgeries.